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Well they say successful men are known to show their confidence as well as their cigars. Many men smoke cigars while enjoying a good time with their friends, to portray an image of superiority, or to celebrate a happy event. Cigars are related to a lot of times with wealth and power and they’re created through a very delicate process, so each cigar has its own temperament, nature and flavor.

Well the complexity and romance attach with this brand, is what make the cigars choosing complex. Those who love cigars are always going to disagree on which is the best. It generally says that the best cigars are crafted by specialist hands and made from top quality leaves. For these reasons, leading cigar brands command a hefty price tag.

Cohiba Behike

Renowned Cuban cigar manufacturer Cohiba released this brand in 2006 to celebrate its 40th anniversary. It was named Behike tribute paying to a famous chieftain of the Taino Indians. The cigars are made with select tobacco and only 100 humidors were made, each hosting 40 rolls. Because they proved to be very popular, Cohiba released less expensive versions of this product. Each piece has ring size of 52 inches and is 7.5 inches long. A box of these fine rolls is said to have cost up to as much as $18k.

Arturo Fuente Opus X “A”

The Arturo Fuente Tobacco Company formed this line in 2003 to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the original Opus X. They produced 100 Forbidden X humidors (10 with macassar veneer, 40 with yellow eye maple, and 50 with a red madrona veneer. Each humidor has 100 Opus X cigars. The limited edition humidors were accessible in a selection of finishes and colors. This cigar’s taste is vouched by connoisseurs to be world class. Each box was sold for about $10k in 2003, but today the price has risen to a whopping $30k per box.

Gurkha Black Dragon

The Gurkha Black Dragon cigar packs a robust hit as it is made from excellent tobacco leaves that are rolled in Honduras. Measuring 8.5 inches by 52 ring gauge, these cigars are placed in limited edition handcrafted camel bone boxes with 100 pieces in one box. A single cigar costs around about $1,150. The Gurkha Black Dragon has an exclusive flavor and is super rare because it is very hard to find. This brand of ultra-premium blended tobaccos is designed for discerning cigar connoisseurs. The 5-year aged cigar features a blend of cured Dominican long filler along with an aged Cameroonian binder and is wrapped in a Connecticut Broadleaf Maduro.

Gurkha Cigars Cellar Reserve 15-Year

Coming from the Dominican Republic, the Gurkha Cigars are among the top-rated cigars. As the 15 year suggests in the name, with an oily 1998 wrapper and Dominican filler, the tobacco has been aged for this many year. Encased in a wooden box, that adds to the aroma and flavor of the cigar. Given the quality of the cigars the price for 24 is actually very reasonable. Gurkha Cigars cellar reserve is basically flawless.

Davidoff Nicaragua Toro 96

A Nicaragua origination, the Davidoff Toro 96 is an expensive yet high-quality cigar. Comprising of a 10 year old Habana Seed Rosado wrapper, a Jalapa binder with a filler blend including Ometepe, Condega and Esteli makes it the best among others. With the Nicaragua Toro 96, Davidoff is back with a bang.

Fuente Don Arturo AnniverXario

This Dominican Republic cigar is made with deliciously aged tobacco rolled in either sun-grown or natural wrappers. A box of these heavenly delights will set you back by $7,500. It is a limited addition and one humidor of these amazing rolls hosts 96 cigars with 46 in alternative wrappers. Arturo Fuente Cigar Company unveiled this line in 2001 to celebrate its 100th anniversary. The tobaccos utilized in these fine cigars were aged seven years to give them a distinctive and strong punch and experience.

Romeo Y Julieta Short Churchill

While the Romeo Churchill is amongst the most popular cigars in the Cuban resume, for deep cigar lovers, it is the short Churchill that makes their day. It is a solid medium body rolled into what we would call a robusto size. It has a wonderfully complex story, consisting of notes of apple, toffee, leather, and nuts.

Upmann No. 2

This cigar is famous being a favorite of President Kennedy, cigar smokers worldwide know it for its reliability and complex flavor notes. It has a wonderful theme with rich notes of chocolate and nuts followed by a peppery finish. Twice listed on the Top 25 cigars of the year, the H. Upmann No. 2 is the perfect every day cigar for the Cuban cigar aficionado.

Padron 1964

These cigars are aged for four years, and the tobacco has distinctive flavor combination with taste of coffee, cocoa, earth and hazelnut notes. This cigar is available as sun grown natural or with Maduro wrappers and will not disappoint. First introduced in 1994 this cigar was intended as a 30th anniversary celebration. Quite smooth and complex, each cigar is box-pressed in true Cuban tradition and aged four years, resulting in a 95-rated masterpiece.
