Publishing a photo with your new girlfriend (or any girlfriend) may seem too challenging for someone who just broke up. Just like publishing a photo of you drinking is awkwardly seen by your parents.
Instagram Now Lets You Decide Who Can See The Images You Post
Believe it or not, Instagram considered this months ago – and finally brought up a new feature which lets you remove the creepy followers from your list. After testing the option months ago, Instagram recently revealed the feature in which you can finally decide who can see the images you post on platform.
Even though private account users have had the option of removing followers before, the new feature is mostly tailored to the needs of users who have their profiles open to the public.
Instagram recently confirmed the “mute” button which just like its Facebook parent, allows you to continue to follow individuals while eliminating the option of actually seeing their posts.

Image Credits: Business Insider
How To Remove Followers From Your Public Instagram Profile
So, if you want to see whether you have the option of removing a follower, you need to go to your own profile, tap on your ‘Followers’ button and then look for the icon with three vertical dots to the right-hand side of someone’s name.
You should then see the option to remove him or her (if you have it) from your Followers list. Currently, iPhone users may have yet to see the function – but it will definitely come soon. The best way to check is to automatically update your Instagram app every now and then.
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