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Well the communications ways are growing rapidly and people all around the world using social media sites are under bit of privacy lacking threat. After a recent study is conducted it seems there is no good news for users who are trying to preserve their privacy. It reveals that staying off from social media sites is not useful, as they still predict the behaviors. A new study has found that user’s privacy is at risk even if you are not personally using social media sites. The findings of researchers from the University of Vermont show that “privacy on social media is like second-hand smoke. This phenomenon is controlled by the people around you.”

The study says that, as long as your contacts are on any social network. It is possible to use their data to calculate 95 percent “potential predictive accuracy” of how you would behave on the service.

Social media sites

Well the study is done by having the data gathered from nearly 14,000 Twitter users, the team of scientist’s analyzed information about the content of people’s tweets. They found out that using information from the tweets of a few of someone’s contacts. It is made possible to predict that person’s tweets as exactly as using data from their own Twitter feed. So, this outcome shows that it’s possible to predict your Twitter content from seeing your friends’ tweets, and they don’t require seeing your Twitter.

While most people using the social network account understand the understood transfer of personal information. But they are not aware of the results from the impact of friends date on them.

“Our results have distinct privacy implications,” the study warned. “Information is so strongly embedded in a social network that, in principle, one can profile an individual from their available social ties even when the individual forgoes the platform completely.”

Human Behavior

There are some horrified kind of results are out there. The study exposed the theory that any company, the government, or any one can use this data to have exact profile someone. It shows by that users political thought its ideology and even can have information about his religious sentiments and commitment. Not only that, they can have the correct idea about their family, friends, favorite things and much more.

One of the co partner author Lewis Mitchell said that,“There’s no place to hide in a social network”. The good news is there’s a mathematical upper limit on how much predictive information a social network can hold. The bad news: It makes little difference if the person being profiled actually uses that network. Another professor said, “You alone don’t control your privacy on social media platforms”. Your friends have a say, too.”

This research queries the statement that people make individual choices about privacy matters. The usual view is that users knowingly give up some privacy over their data in return for free use of a service. But this shows that privacy is a bigger issue and that individuals cannot personally control the way that their information is spread through social media.
