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It’s says that sleep well, wake-up well, but if not it can cause laziness and awkwardness. So to avoid such situations get Hupnos sleep mask. So, if you have snoring habit, which usually cause you trouble, not now Hupnos is a smart sleep mask that analyzes your snoring habits and takes gentle steps to fix it. What you need is to wear it night and sleep. Whenever the mask detects that you’re snoring, it will send your body tiny vibrational cues to change positions and open your airways.

The Hupnos sleep mask will solve your sleep problems by quieting down your snoring partner. It looks like a hybrid between a sleep mask and a scuba mask that goes over your nose to control your breathing while you sleep.

Hupnos Sleep Mask

Well, the question is how the sleeping mask will help to reduce the snoring problem. The answer is quite simple; Hupnos mask with the help of its associated app will listens to you while you sleep to determine the snoring. Once the mask detects a snore, it uses its built-in accelerometer to determine your sleeping position and vibrates to get you to move to a less snore-inducing position.

So, Hupnos combines a self-learning sleep mask with a smartphone app to analyze your snoring patterns and take gentle steps to correct it. While, the app doesn’t asses the quality of your sleep, but it does keep track of your sleeping and snoring patterns over time. Besides that, you can also log other factors that could be contributing to their snoring in the app.

Coming to the mask, it felt comparatively comfortable when you use it. The satin padded lining doesn’t press against the eyes. On the other hand, the vibration is powerful enough to change the sleeping position. But does not make you awake fully. And the EPAP feature is a lot less restrictive user can feel like that someone slowing down the exhale.
