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Earlier, after the launch of Moto Z, the company promised that Moto Mods would extend the life of the phone. In a way, Motorola is delivering on that promise with a new update to its 5G Moto Mod. Now, the two year old phone, Moto Z2 Force owners can use the accessory to add 5G connectivity. Besides that, it is working already with Moto Z3 and Z4. Motorola says that it’s also putting out a software update that will allow its phones to share power intelligently with the 5G Moto Mod.

Moto’s 5G Mod

The company Motorola is also updating the 5G Moto Mod to improve its ability to function as a backup battery. Moving forward, if the accessory detects that the battery on a phone it’s connected to drops below a certain threshold, it will start sharing power with that device.

Other than this it also functions in the other direction: the Moto Z2 Force, Moto Z3 and Z4 will share their power reserves with the 5G Moto Mod if its battery drops below a certain level.  The good news for U.S users it that they don’t  to worry about accidentally draining your phone’s battery to zero, as Motorola says both the phones and mod will only pull power from one another if they have enough to spare.

On the other hand, Motorola promises faster download speeds on Verizon’s 5G network. The new software comes pre-installed on Moto Z4 units sold by Verizon. Meanwhile, on the Moto Z2 Force and Moto Z3, the enhancements are a download away.

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